Controversy or Conspiracy
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Updated: October 11, 2010

For Christians
Declaration of Independence
BC and AD
Controversy or Conspiracy
American Law
Sexual Integrity
Science and Sexuality
Teacher Fired
Human Rights
Columbus Day

Controversy or Conspiracy

Several years ago I read an article in a Beckley, West Virginia newspaper quoting the leaders of one of the major textbook publishers. They said, they purposely omit references to the Bible, Christianity, and religion, because it is “controversial.”

Is there really any controversy as to the profound influence of the Bible and the Christian faith in America’s history? These influences are well documented, and can easily be confirmed by referring to the documents themselves. The speeches and writings of the Founding Fathers are readily available, so any controversy can be settled quickly and easily.

Such documents as the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and other documents can be found right on the Internet, in encyclopedias, and in many libraries. Is there really a controversy about what these documents say, or is there a conspiracy to rewrite American history?

Not too many decades ago, I was an elementary student in the “public” schools of West Virginia. We were taught that “freedom of religion” and “religious liberty” were the major factors leading to the European colonization of North America. “Freedom of religion” was mentioned more than any other, and we were taught that all our other freedoms rested upon that. Was that the TRUTH? If not, why were the schools teaching it?

The preambles of every State constitution make reference to God. Every president has mentioned God in his inaugural address. Our public buildings abound with Bible verses, and our court system was based on the Ten Commandments, and the Old Testament law. Our old patriotic songs establish the bond between God and Liberty. Even country music, since its birth in the 1930s. frequently references God and America’s foundation in faith.

(Click here for more about the foundation of Law in the United States.)

This web site contains many specific examples of the influence of God, Christianity, and the Bible in the history of the United States. Let’s just use one example here,

The Preamble to the Constitution of the State of West Virginia

Since through Divine Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political and religious liberty, we, the people of West Virginia, in and through the provisions of this Constitution, reaffirm our faith in and our constant reliance upon God, and seek diligently to promote, preserve, and perpetuate good government in the State of West Virginia for the common welfare, freedom, and security of ourselves and our posterity.

Most other state constitutions say something similar. Do you suppose these words were important to the men who wrote them? What kind of people produce great nations?

This Constitution was ratified November 8, 1960. Not really so long ago. After prayer and Bible reading were kicked out of the schools in 1963, the government school system escalated its devastating slide away from the truth.

Why aren’t references to such documents welcome in America’s classrooms? Is it because there is controversy about the content, or is it because there is a conspiracy to destroy the TRUTH about America’s Christian heritage? Why not the Truth in Education?


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